September 30, 2009

I am prego

I found out that I am prego I am so excited I have been trying to have another child for over two years my hubby has diabetes so I didn't think that it would happen, then on top of it I am overweight and I have high blood pressure. I know it is all in gods hands and I am so happy but in extreme shock .Our love made another baby

September 29, 2009

feeling like a truck ran me over

Feel sick yet again so bad the girls had a sleep over last night having an okay day I want to go back to sleep but I know if I do that means that I will sleep a whole lot . My biggest fear is being a failure in lofe as a mom , wife christan and all around human being I don't feel good enough at all what have I really accomplished so far if I died tonight would I look back and think I did it right honestly no I would not I want and need to do better just don't know where to start . I have my kids and my hubby and family is important but who am I . I feel like I jump to conclusions to fast and sometimes I am too nice to people who deserve little or no respect from me . I want to do more be more and set an good example to my kids I know they know about Jesus to a point but I feel like I am slowly slipping away from what used to be me where did I go was I ever really there or have always just slided into a part to play to protect myself sometimes I get scared because in some parts I know this to be true endless ramblings of a confused but content woman .

September 21, 2009

An Awesome Day

Got me a dog and the breed I wanted this was a wonderful day yay.
Now if we can get into a nicer apartment. she is so cute .
Went out the other night had a good time