Evelynn is growing up so fast she tuns one next month and Wendy will be turning nine oh how time flies . I am raising three beautiful girls knowing the lord and knowing they will grow up to be wonderful woman. I am one blessed woman . Nothing is going to hold me back no more and if you are laughing now oh well my hubby never held me back I did . I had no self worth but I know that I was hurting myself . I am raising these girls and I am doing a good job . They have issues like everyone but they are overall great . They get good grades are polite and love the lord .
So many things going on today making deviled eggs, and filling Easter eggs , doing dyed eggs and cleaning house . Its been a busy but great day enjoying doing all this stuff . Going to have a huge hunt tomorrow with the girls and taking lots of pics. Thinking about how things are changing and loving it . Thinking about what is happening next but letting everything go . Feels great to turn it all over. I talked to an old friend of mine and realized I am who I am and if people don't like it then I can do nothing about it and why would I want to change for someone who does not appreciate all the things I do . I am actually pretty dang nice . I am over trying to please everyone . My life is too full of people who deserve my time and attention than to waste it on those who don't . Loving the freedom of not worrying about what others think . I know people don't care for some things my hubby does .oh well your problem not mine . I choose to deal with it because I love him no matter what like I said in my vows . Does it make me angry sometimes sure but that is my issue . I am no longer going to complain and I have not in awhile actually . I put my fears into the lord and tell my girls the right things . I know my hubby has some strange ideas on things but I raise my kids . I do I discipline them not him other than every once in awhile . I do the homework I am the one they run to for everything and I love it that way do not want it any other way . They love their dad but I am their mom and information station and come on they are not dumb they know daddy is unique lol .I really can give a care less anymore if I lose friends than you were not my real friend anymore anyway and good bye . I would give you the shirt off my back or anything if you really need it and I can really give it too you but I refuse to hurt myself and my family anymore for others who don't feel the same for me . I have peace for the first time in a long time . The weight has been lifted thanks god for everything and the message was heard . Cannot live for anyone but you lord .