My mother in law is a mom to seven children. Two who still are on earth and five that left this world too soon. She does not talk often about her angel babies . It saddens me to think she has never grieved for those children she lost . She cried a little but then moved it into the back of her mind and I guess she pretends it didn't happen . She admits every blue moon it happen but will not really talk about it other than to say it was the worst thing to happen . I know that she carried at least one to five months preggo and that the doctors did not have much to say as in comfort or why it happened. I know about this because when I was preggo with Evelynn a blood test came back bad and we had to go see a specialist. The specialist asked about my family and my hubby's family . My mother in law went to the apt and she told the doctor I was sitting there in shock learning of the fact that she has lost so many Children . I looked at her her head hung low and one tear sliding down her cheek and the doctor asked a few questions. Of course I flipped out thinking anything could go wrong . Luckily Evelynn turned out to be fine . I talked to Elaine the other day about her angels and that they were in heaven waiting on her and that one day she is going to be surprised by all her little angels when she gets to see them again . She told me she could not start grieving now because then she would grieve until her dying day . She said that when she was going through this it was when people were told that she should be happy for the children she had and to just try again . After losing five children she said her heart could not take anymore and gave up on having anymore kids. She tells me all the time that she wishes she could have had more kids but it was not meant to be and that she looks at her grandchildren and it takes some not all of the pain away. I wish there was more I could do for her but I do not want to bring up anything that could cause her pain she has already been through so much .
A visit with a lot of questions
9 years ago