March 6, 2011

Happy Days and thoughts on things

Loving spending time with my family and just relaxing .I am so blessed for all God has given to me and knowing that with all his blessings I give him the glory . Wishing I could go see my friend Vanessa . She told me she will be coming down here soon and we are going to go hang out . Love spending time with old friends and catching up on everything . I know so many friends from high school that serve our country and I pray that they all come home safe and sound . Cannot wait to see the girls and how much they have grown pictures do not do it justice . Cannot wait to have some time to just relax and reflect on the things.
Spending alot of time with my best friends. You know you are really good when they give you crap and its okay because it comes from the heart and not out of them being mean or cruel . If you disagree on something it does not cost you the friendship . That is a true friendship and that I am thankful for . Sometimes it may hurt my feelings a little but I can go through it .Its the people who say things to hurt you or spite you or try to start shit that are the problem . They say it for the wrong reasons . It comes from the wrong place and it does matter why you say things and how you say them . If I tell someone something they may not want to hear but I tell them with good intentions and I am trying to help them and not start stuff or hurt their feelings or cause problems then that is cool . I have some truly amazing people in my life . There are quite a few really great people in my life . They are the ones who call for no reason just to see how your day is going. They are the ones who are always there . The ones there through the years and even if you have an issue you always come back together in friendship .I am one lucky and blessed woman and so is my family .